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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Loss Of Reason (State Of Reason series Book 1

 Distant for many years, Franklin out of Pennsylvania and his step-brother Everon out of Nevada are connected by a single link: Their sister Cynthia.

Enter The Nightmare

A nuclear bomb is detonated in New York. Banker, wife, mother, Cynthia lives in New York.

The military has quarantined the city. All bridges and tunnels have been destroyed or blocked. Easterly winds have forced the bomb's huge radiation cloud out over Long Island. But the wind is about to change.

Franklin climbs mountains and truly understands people. Everon can fly anything. And Cynthia's brothers are determined to find her.

If it were your sister, what would you do?

***A ripping good tale of how intelligence and determination can overcome the near-impossible. And of the true price of altruism.

Before there was Wool there had to be a Loss Of Reason.

Loss Of Reason (State Of Reason series, Book 1) download sites:

Search For Reason (State Of Reason series, Book 2) downloads:

Additional Sites:
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/26218744-loss-of-reason
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MilesAMaxwell
Website: http://www.StateOfReason.com

Loss of Reason Reached #79 in all free ebooks on Amazon 12/10/15;
            & #2 in Post-Apocalyptic Science Fiction.
            & #3 in Romance Science Fiction. 12/21/15

About Miles

Bio Short:
The State Of Reason series was not created quickly, but carefully. Plotted, crafted and edited -- over not weeks or months -- but a period of fifteen years. A friend once told me "Great Books aren't written, they're re-written."

With that in mind, once I became financially independent, I spent nearly every waking moment (and a lot of dreaming moments as well) working full time for more than fifteen years, on nothing but writing these stories, the people who inhabit them -- Franklin, Everon, Cynthia, Victoria and all the others (some not yet Revealed) -- the places they go, the things they do. Studying languages, religions of the world, economics, history, philosophy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, aviation and psychology.

These books are my magnum opus. This series is my masterpiece. Every bit of understanding, empathy, focus, wisdom and appreciation for life has gone and is going into these books. I truly hope you enjoy the two that are available now, with more to come.

An IFR certified private pilot, Miles speaks bits and pieces of ten languages, surfs, skis, sails and scuba dives.
